Rockets Across America V – Spring Launch

made it home bout 3:30 matt and yankee headed on down south to ga should be home bout 7:30 to 8:00 if they hit no more heavy rain
ans steve that wasnt a bus it was a orange and apple mac truck :D:D:D:D u can finish the apples tonite :eek::D:D
enjoyed meeting the old freinds and the new friends this weekend sorry we had to leave early but at least i kbnow we wont be flooded out tomorrow:) everyone going home tommorrow ride safe till the next one
I left at the perfect time, hit rain just north of Cleveland, Tn. It poured!! Fortunately, I was about 1/10th of a mile from an overpass. Pulled over, got raingear on, it stopped raining, made it free and clear the rest of the way.
I had a great time! Really enjoyed meeting everyone. I can't make it to the Fall gathering, but am hoping I can make next Spring.