Looking for feedback as to the type of accommodations attendee are expecting. I am shooting for clean conformable and affordable. with covered pavilion so we can gather in the evenings. If you have suggestions or comments please chime in.
Hello, speedfreak we must be neighbors I am just about 1 1/2 hours away myself. Let me know where you are located maybe we can get together for a ride when the weather breaks.
looking for suggestion on rides. My suggestion is to ride approx. 150 to 175 miles a day Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It will be a ride your own ride pace with lots of scenic stop to regroup take pictures and enjoy the area and the company. Rides would leave at 9:00a and return no later than 6:00p this will allow everyone time to enjoy the area. What are your thoughts?
Steve, from past experience, I think you know what you are doing. The RAA IV you planned went off without a hitch (except for a couple). You know the area, the people and you know us. Does that make you a know it all. Anyway if we have half the good time we had last year it will be great. You go get em.