No, I don't like the larger "Glide" type fairings, mine will be the same fxrt style, just with an air scoop built into the left side to feed the beast some cool air, I hope?????? (all of us can't force feed her like you do LOL!)
No but I'll think of somethin.
Seriously the TPS idle ain't been an issue in awhile now.
I'm thinkin I need to butcher another fender pretty quick though,
thats alot easier than that durn gas tank project.
Thats really startin to irritate me,
but now its just got me pissed off enough to MAKE it work like I want it to.
We may be able to make it to the fall event. I really doubt we'll be at the spring one though. Need to save all my money for the honeymoon. Getting married in June and riding up to Niagra falls and back down the blue ridge parkway.
I will talk w/ Amanda closer to the events and we will see what we can do.
Based on the feedback so far it looks like Eastern Kentucky will be the official site for the Rockets across America V - Spring Rocket Launch - May 14th - 17th.
I have found what I think is the best site to host, see link below. This is located in a dry county but the next county over is wet and I have coordinated beverage runs. They have an outdoor pavilion also we can use. Nothing definite yet still in the process of negotiating but look very promising. Hoping to pay them a visit this weekend.