Rockets Across America V – Spring Launch

snake oil

Oh yeah Skip, don't forget to bring along that snake oil that flip sold me @ RAA III, that is if you havn't used it all up yet shinning your leathers. ha
Still got it Bill unopened.
I did however buy me some awhile back.
Should have bought more, but I'll bring you yours,
I ain't forgot ya.
Can't wait to see everybody,

About a mile from motel There is a 24 hour Shell Mart that has high octane I use it myself also there is Subway across the road.
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all gas stops selected have 93 octane gas.... the routes will have a fuel stop approx... every 75 miles. Support vehicle carries Emergency gas and Lead bike will have a siphon pump. worse case we can use some of rainmans shine
With a SC I can understand the high octane but with a stock Rocket it is a complete waste of money. But if it makes you feel better go for it I have wasted a few bucks myself on bits and bobs I did not need.
all gas stops selected have 93 octane gas.... the routes will have a fuel stop approx... every 75 miles. Support vehicle carries Emergency gas and Lead bike will have a siphon pump. worse case we can use some of rainmans shine
Steve always carries a supply of Rainmans shine it is in his bladder so he will have to aim carefully to fill up your tank.
Everyone please leave the wool clothing at home. I don't want dave to confuse you with his girlfriend .... BAA BAAA ... and If you here banjos peddle faster please