
Check behind the reflector inside the signal housing, the hot wire need to go to the center (bottom) post, the ground wire need to go to the side. All 4 of mine were wrong from factory. Sounds like yours are as well.

Yes switch your ground and hot wires LED lights are picky. If you handle the rocket like you handled the t bird your old man won't be able to keep up.

Thanks, guys. I will check the polarity of the wires.

Oh, and yeah, I can bank that Rocket a little deeper than the 'Bird. I've still dragged its pegs a time or two.
Whatever you do, keep the rubber side down.

Welcome from Virginia !

This site is a beautiful combination of a wealth of knowledge, and the most wonderful group of motorcyclists on the planet, and so happy you are now among us.

A number of members have been through the process of installing lights, and a screen. I suggest you invest some time in searching the site and its various fora for the topic.

One Captain @cr0ft did a beautiful job of documenting converting his bike to LEDs all the way around -- with a fairly complete discussion and description of what the stock electric system expects to see to make it all work.
Almost certainly the polarity is crossed - unfortunately it does not seem to be a consistent position affected as reports are varied on which location on the bike are affected .
If a position even flickered at least momentarily, then that one should be OK - a position that won't work at all is likely to be crossed.
Definitely use the Relay and don't use the resistors at all. Be sure that the relay is a CF13GL-02 and not a CF13JL-02
Start by just installing the relay then monitor which if any positions work, even briefly - those that don't are likely to be cross-wired.

One Captain @cr0ft did a beautiful job of documenting converting his bike to LEDs all the way around
Have to be careful there though Paul - that is a Touring and the requirements for that are quite different with the embedded turn signal controller in the instruments (do not have a relay that can be replaced and MUST use resistors)
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Another welcome from the UK. As you may see from the replies you've had, it's a superb place for info.
Happy riding on a beautiful looking machine.
And, yes, Tbirdgirl, you are due for a screen name change.

Rocketlady has a nice ring to it, dontcha' think, RoadstaRocka (pronounced with a Boston accent)?
Check behind the reflector inside the signal housing, the hot wire need to go to the center (bottom) post, the ground wire need to go to the side. All 4 of mine were wrong from factory. Sounds like yours are as well.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner! The three that didn't light up before were crossed. Switched them, added the electronic flasher and everything works. That was driving me nuts, thanks for the tip.