To each his own. Only 500 made and everyday the count drops. Paint job is outstanding. Hope you know that is not a decal. Hand ground no two the same. Normal? Standard? really now.
To each his own. Only 500 made and everyday the count drops. Paint job is outstanding. Hope you know that is not a decal. Hand ground no two the same. Normal? Standard? really now.
Mine are the original daymakers by Speaker. Only $480.00 bucks. They work rather well or else i would not be talking. Very wide angle of light and very bright. Aftermarket shocks and springs help out when the lights catch a native animal. Extra power from upgrades on performance has helped out a bit on avoiding problems on the road. Plenty of torque. amazing.
Mine are the original daymakers by Speaker. Only $480.00 bucks. They work rather well or else i would not be talking. Very wide angle of light and very bright. Aftermarket shocks and springs help out when the lights catch a native animal. Extra power from upgrades on performance has helped out a bit on avoiding problems on the road. Plenty of torque. amazing.