Rocket Sightings

Wife and I took a trip to Key West (flew not rode) and a spotted a black Rocket parked!
I saw a Black/White R3T headed West over the Mathews bridge here in Jacksonville FL at 2 PM Sunday, May didnt happen yet. ;)

OK saw that Rocket today at 2 PM on the Mathews bridge. I looked in the mirror and saw a big grin looking back at me.....Then I realized that IT WAS ME!!!!!
I saw a bunch of Rockets at Packwood, WA summer of 2012!
:ninja:Ill be seeing me again on the Mathews bridge heading East at 11:45 PM....its hard to be the only one in town (that im aware of).
Late Aug Cripple Creek MIA/POW rally, saw five almost had a heart attack. Three had riders and the other two were at a Triumph tent. Imagine that Triumph finally showing up for a rally. Lots of buzz as well.

considering it is HOG country last time I went up there anyway
In Paris on a business trip. No, not Paris, TX...Paris, France. I come here every once in a while and am always struck by the volume of motorcycles and scooters here. As I was walking around with a few associates, I heard the familiar growl as a captain hit the ignition. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around and sure enough, it was a guy on a slick black Rocket. I didn't go talk to him, I figured he probably didn't speak English anyways...still, it was cool to see a a fellow Rocketeer in a foreign country.

next time call me and I will translate !! we had a while ago a french r3 rider posting on this forum calling himself "kilderouge "
translated it would be "cheap bottle of red wine" how appropriate!
I see them everywhere in Brisbane Australia.
A blue classic - quite often on Toohey rd Salisbury.
Recent sighting was Princess Alexandra Hospital - parked out front of the psyc unit (visiting I would think), I was picking up my wife from work.
Not surprised none of you 'mericans see many RIII's ... just about all of them are polished up ready for sale on ***cin E-Bay ... with next to no miles on them. See Rockets (being ridden) all the time in Australia.