Rocket Sightings

Would be fun to hook up a few Rockets at Sturgis????

We have two RV spots rented at the Broken Spoke...make sure you stop in to say hi
Saw one today on 114 headed SW toward Grapevine, TX. I was headed the opposite direction in my car and a concrete barrier was blocking most of my view, but there was no mistaking the dual headlights and the bearclaw.
Yesterday, Sunday 6 April at 3:00 pm, I was going north on NJ Rt 29 near the Trenton Thunder Ballpark. A Black R3T traveling solo was headed south. I waved just as I spotted the Bearclaw. Anybody here?
Red rocket at 10:45 am today on I-35 southbound several miles south of Gainesville, TX...
I saw a Black/White R3T headed West over the Mathews bridge here in Jacksonville FL at 2 PM Sunday, May didnt happen yet.
Since i've owned my 2005 Rocket ten years i've only seen two . A red Rocket in NH and one passing threw town two years ago in Plymouth, Mass. I known as the guy with the Triumph Rocket...