If I get my way Tex, you may see mine too. I plan on Iron Butting it from VA to Sturgis for the first few nights. Two of my sons are going to ride up from Denver and meet me there. Then I am taking the long road back to vist family and friend in Denver, Texas, OK, Mo, TN...
Saw one today on 114 headed SW toward Grapevine, TX. I was headed the opposite direction in my car and a concrete barrier was blocking most of my view, but there was no mistaking the dual headlights and the bearclaw.
Yesterday, Sunday 6 April at 3:00 pm, I was going north on NJ Rt 29 near the Trenton Thunder Ballpark. A Black R3T traveling solo was headed south. I waved just as I spotted the Bearclaw. Anybody here?
Since i've owned my 2005 Rocket ten years i've only seen two . A red Rocket in NH and one passing threw town two years ago in Plymouth, Mass. I known as the guy with the Triumph Rocket...