Rocket Sightings

Woo Hoo !!! Keep 'em coming.

Jack and I had the Rocket twins out for a ride yesterday. Posted a couple of pics in my intro thread.
There were several running loose in the Texas hill country last weekend
Seen one in the wild in South South Texas and it is a 09T B/B. I was also proud to be with all the Roadsters on my 09T in the Hill Country last weekend.
I seen a white r3 classic in Lemont, IL (southwest suburb of Chicago) about a month or so ago while on mine. I also see a black 2009+ once in a while around here, rider must live in the area. I remember seeing the bike in the parking lot while leaving a restaurant one morning. That is actually what turned me onto the R3.
There are a few here on the south coast. Hans (hanso), Russell (ruzzle), Andrew (aivmid), a local mental health worker on a silver one, a guy from Milton on a black roadster like mine. Not bad for a small population in a rural area.
Rode my R3T up to Daytona yesterday to have a little look-around at Biketoberfest. Rode up and back (from Fort Lauderdale) the same day - just over 500 miles). After walking around for awhile, it got very warm and I found a shaded bench about 20 feet from the corner of Atlantic and Main to watch the parade of life go by for awhile. On the bench with me was another gearhead - and we had a fine time discussing the bikes that went by our location - and there were thousands of them.

Anyway, I wound up sitting there for about 1 1/2 hours. The requisite thousands of Harleys went by - all slightly different but all the same in every meaningful sense (except the V-rods-and I saw plenty of those, including a V-Rod Muscle Trike), but the longer I watched I concluded that the real non-conformists, the real rebels, were those on Rockets (and Moto Guzzis). In all the time I sat there - I saw exactly 2 Rockets, 1 Roadster and 1 all black R3T. In that same time, I saw 4 Boss Hosses, at least three dozen custom choppers, hundreds of sportbikes, probably fifty scooters (including a Burgman Trike) But only these two Rockets (and one Moto Guzzi Grifo).

It was amazing. One of the reasons I love my R3T is that it's SO exclusive - but only after watching a parade like I did yesterday does it really register how unique a fraternity we here belong to. I wouldn't trade it for any other brand or model of bike. Lately, I've been riding mine nearly every day, making the 30 mile commute to my office on. Certainly gets the day off to a good start. I don't want my bike to have an "infotainment system" (see the new Rushmore Harleys). My R3T is perfect for me (would be more perfect with a decent cruise control) and I NEVER see another one - it's exclusivity is just another (BIG) plus.
In Paris on a business trip. No, not Paris, TX...Paris, France. I come here every once in a while and am always struck by the volume of motorcycles and scooters here. As I was walking around with a few associates, I heard the familiar growl as a captain hit the ignition. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around and sure enough, it was a guy on a slick black Rocket. I didn't go talk to him, I figured he probably didn't speak English anyways...still, it was cool to see a a fellow Rocketeer in a foreign country.
heading down the freeway a couple of weeks ago, really hot day saw a "05" parked under a over bridge near Beenleigh (south Brisbane) ............. with him & her standing beside it, I did a loop back and pulled up, asked if they were ok...... turns out they were parked up just waiting for a mate.
With all the traffic going past they said I was the only one that stopped....... that was my good deed for the day