Rocket Sightings

I spent about 20 years in Palm Beach County. Last time I was down there I could not believe the traffic!!!
Only seen one in the wild other than our own. At the intersection of FM 157 and Highway 67 in down town Venus, Texas. We were cooling our heels at the Whataburger as a Red one eased onto the highway. That was over a year ago.

We trudge on.
Rocket sighting have been rare here in Idaho, about as rare as spotting other Porsche cars. But more are being spotted especially in My local area since we formed a RAT club. My red beauty is turning some heads and guys are seeing the light.
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My wife and I live in Williamsport, Pa. and we were coming down a back road around town (Log Run Road) and we saw a R3. Nice looking bike. Other than this one we have not seen another in our area. Not saying they are not here. Just saying they must be the 2013 Invisible models. Nice to know someone besides us has a Rocket local.
I saw one in KC, KS at a fast food place several years (2008 maybe). It was matte black, dusty, and looked like something from a Mad Max movie. I thought it was pretty **** impressive but didn't get one until a couple of years later when I finally got enough life insurance that my wife decided I should start riding again

When was that, I was in Williamsport on my R3T in August, I believe.
Well, I didn't see a Rocket, but Wednesday morning I rode with a friend (he has T-Bird) up to the southern metro area and stopped at Chipotle restuarant (love that place!). We got there before it opened, so just hung out. Had three people stop and ask questions about the Rocket. Then, one of the restaurant employees comes out and compliments my bike. He has his phone and asked to take pics. I said sure and told him to sit on it and I'll snap a few of him on the bike. Man, it was like lil kid in a candy store. Unfortunately, when we were getting ready to leave my friends T-Bird wouldn't start, so we had it towed to MotoPrimo, a Triumph dealership close by. Was fixed in about an hour and they reimbursed the tow charge! Ok, back on task...high 'n dry looking for a Rocket
Late Aug Cripple Creek MIA/POW rally, saw five almost had a heart attack. Three had riders and the other two were at a Triumph tent. Imagine that Triumph finally showing up for a rally. Lots of buzz as well.
wild and crazy sighting today... was out doing a few miles with the guy i sold my vtx1800 to, and when we stopped for gas at 415 and 46 in oviedo, fl we bumped into a true fanatic...

very customized 2005 r3... the guy sounded like a brit, and he said it was the first r3 that was purchased in central fl... he looked to be quite a character... says he's been around the site and may drop back by...