FYI - I and some Amigos are riding from Tenino to Spokane on June 24th to visit the Vets at the Vet's Home there.
We will visit Cruisers for sure that evening, stay the night, do our visit on the 25th then ride home.
Let me know if you be interested in hooking up?
Testing the waters here.
Anybody interested in riding to McKenna WA?
On Sunday, August 16 I am hosting a kick ass blues & Funk band (my daughter and son in law) for a few Viet Nam Vet Riding buddies of mine at a Mexican Restaurant and bar in Yelm, WA.
If wished, nice camping available at my brother, Dan's (was with me on the Yamaha at RAA IX).
A ride around the "Loop" (the northwest peninsula) will be part of the fun.