Rocket Owners Northwest

Glad to have you coming to RAA X in AR!
Being from WA, perhaps you should sign up to our Rocket Owners Northwest thread.
We do converse about NW hook ups now and then.

@1olbull - Steve - Tacoma. WA

@Phil R - Phil - Kennewick, WA
@R3R Torque - Gary E. - Benton City,
@rocket Roger - Roger - Pacso, WA
@Idaho Red Rocket 3 - Bill - Nampa, ID
@Bob R - Bob - Spokane, WA
@trimix - Paul - Marysville, WA

@smokit2 - ??? - Evanston, WY
@albertaduke - Patrick - Alberta, Canada

@Douglas - Ardberg Man - Anchorage, AK
@Torque addict - Brent - Everett, WA
@Dawg68 - Kevin - Edmonton Alberta, Canada
@seabum - Al - Damascus, OR
@bcskier54 - Bruce - Ellensburg, WA
@skydog1000- Bug Teeth -Honorary member
@greenbaybob - Bob - Pocatello, ID
@Tumwatertaz - Rick - Tumwater, WA
@RKTNMYPKT - Jim - Antioch, CA
@RocketRoy - Roy - Puyallup, WA
@smokit2 - Ray - Evanston, WY
@Tbirdgirl - Christina - Evanston, WY
Hey Bull you can put me into the Northwest Group. I have many reasons to make a trek to the northwest and if you do decide to do a Tri Cities get together I would seriously make an effort to be there. Al
Hey Bull you can put me into the Northwest Group. I have many reasons to make a trek to the northwest and if you do decide to do a Tri Cities get together I would seriously make an effort to be there. Al

Welcome, Al!
I need to find time to organize a NW gathering - {erhaps we could host the next RAA???
Any comments and/or thoughts?

@@1olbull - Steve - Tacoma. WA
@@Phil R - Phil - Kennewick, WA
@R3R Torque - Gary E. - Benton City,
@@rocket Roger - Roger - Pacso, WA
@@Idaho Red Rocket 3 - Bill - Nampa, ID
@Bob R - Bob - Spokane, WA
@trimix - Paul - Marysville, WA

@smokit2 - ??? - Evanston, WY
@albertaduke - Patrick - Alberta, Canada

@@Douglas - Ardberg Man - Anchorage, AK
@@Torque addict - Brent - Everett, WA
@Dawg68 - Kevin - Edmonton Alberta, Canada
@seabum - Al - Damascus, OR
@bcskier54 - Bruce - Ellensburg, WA
@skydog1000- Bug Teeth -Honorary member
@greenbaybob - Bob - Pocatello, ID
@Tumwatertaz - Rick - Tumwater, WA
@RKTNMYPKT - Jim - Antioch, CA
@RocketRoy - Roy - Puyallup, WA
@smokit2 - Ray - Evanston, WY
@Tbirdgirl - Christina - Evanston, WY
@BigAl1952 - AL - Liberalado, CO
@1olbull - Steve - Tacoma. WA
@Phil R - Phil - Kennewick, WA
@R3R Torque - Gary E. - Benton City,
@rocket Roger - Roger - Pacso, WA
@Idaho Red Rocket 3 - Bill - Nampa, ID
@Bob R - Bob - Spokane, WA
@trimix - Paul - Marysville, WA

@smokit2 - ??? - Evanston, WY
@albertaduke - Patrick - Alberta, Canada

@@Douglas - Ardberg Man - Anchorage, AK
@@Torque addict - Brent - Everett, WA
@Dawg68 - Kevin - Edmonton Alberta, Canada
@seabum - Al - Damascus, OR
@bcskier54 - Bruce - Ellensburg, WA
@skydog1000- Bug Teeth -Honorary member
@greenbaybob - Bob - Pocatello, ID
@Tumwatertaz - Rick - Tumwater, WA
@RKTNMYPKT - Jim - Antioch, CA
@RocketRoy - Roy - Puyallup, WA
@smokit2 - Ray - Evanston, WY
@Tbirdgirl - Christina - Evanston, WY
@BigAl1952 - AL - Liberalado, CO

Testing the waters here.
Anybody interested in riding to McKenna WA?
On Sunday, August 16 I am hosting a kick ass blues & Funk band (my daughter and son in law) for a few Viet Nam Vet Riding buddies of mine at a Mexican Restaurant and bar in Yelm, WA.

If wished, nice camping available at my brother, Dan's (was with me on the Yamaha at RAA IX).
A ride around the "Loop" (the northwest peninsula) will be part of the fun.

Say, August 13th - 17th?
Sounds like fun to me...I'll try to keep that time open to at least check out the band if I can't do anything else. I play bass in a blues/rock band myself so music and bikes together is heaven to me :)
Sounds like fun to me...I'll try to keep that time open to at least check out the band if I can't do anything else. I play bass in a blues/rock band myself so music and bikes together is heaven to me :)

These musicians are all working first call Jazz musicians in the Seattle area and they ARE good!
This is NOT your usual run of the mill 3 chord garage band. I guarantee you shall enjoy this group!
We have a separate room that is not part of the restaurant and bar and all you have to pay for is what you eat and drink.
Music will be from 6 PM to 9 PM, Sunday, Aug 16th. I'll post the exact location in Yelm later.