Glad to have you coming to RAA X in AR!
Being from WA, perhaps you should sign up to our Rocket Owners Northwest thread.
We do converse about NW hook ups now and then.
Hey Bull you can put me into the Northwest Group. I have many reasons to make a trek to the northwest and if you do decide to do a Tri Cities get together I would seriously make an effort to be there. Al
Hey Bull you can put me into the Northwest Group. I have many reasons to make a trek to the northwest and if you do decide to do a Tri Cities get together I would seriously make an effort to be there. Al
Welcome, Al!
I need to find time to organize a NW gathering - {erhaps we could host the next RAA???
Any comments and/or thoughts?
@@1olbull - Steve - Tacoma. WA @@Phil R - Phil - Kennewick, WA @R3R Torque - Gary E. - Benton City, WA @@rocket Roger - Roger - Pacso, WA @@Idaho Red Rocket 3 - Bill - Nampa, ID @Bob R - Bob - Spokane, WA @trimix - Paul - Marysville, WA @smokit2 - ??? - Evanston, WY @albertaduke - Patrick - Alberta, Canada @@Douglas - Ardberg Man - Anchorage, AK @@Torque addict - Brent - Everett, WA @Dawg68 - Kevin - Edmonton Alberta, Canada @seabum - Al - Damascus, OR @bcskier54 - Bruce - Ellensburg, WA @skydog1000- Bug Teeth -Honorary member @greenbaybob - Bob - Pocatello, ID @Tumwatertaz - Rick - Tumwater, WA @RKTNMYPKT - Jim - Antioch, CA @RocketRoy - Roy - Puyallup, WA @smokit2 - Ray - Evanston, WY @Tbirdgirl - Christina - Evanston, WY @BigAl1952 - AL - Liberalado, CO
Testing the waters here.
Anybody interested in riding to McKenna WA?
On Sunday, August 16 I am hosting a kick ass blues & Funk band (my daughter and son in law) for a few Viet Nam Vet Riding buddies of mine at a Mexican Restaurant and bar in Yelm, WA.
If wished, nice camping available at my brother, Dan's (was with me on the Yamaha at RAA IX).
A ride around the "Loop" (the northwest peninsula) will be part of the fun.
Sounds like fun to me...I'll try to keep that time open to at least check out the band if I can't do anything else. I play bass in a blues/rock band myself so music and bikes together is heaven to me
Sounds like fun to me...I'll try to keep that time open to at least check out the band if I can't do anything else. I play bass in a blues/rock band myself so music and bikes together is heaven to me
These musicians are all working first call Jazz musicians in the Seattle area and they ARE good!
This is NOT your usual run of the mill 3 chord garage band. I guarantee you shall enjoy this group!
We have a separate room that is not part of the restaurant and bar and all you have to pay for is what you eat and drink.
Music will be from 6 PM to 9 PM, Sunday, Aug 16th. I'll post the exact location in Yelm later.