Rocket owners average age!

Double nickel here
Well if we are going all numismatical now....when I was born we still had Aussie Pounds, shillings and pence.
So I must be 'six shillings and thruppence'. ;) :roll::roll::roll::roll:

You’re going to have to be more specific, @Ishrub. While a Shilling converted to 10c, three pence (ie 1/4 of a Shilling) converted to 2.5 cents. So, are you saying you’re 63 or 62 1/2? And does anyone care? 😂
Not a problem at all, and at least Centrelink and the ATO still care I'm 63! ;) :roll:

With the old coins: halfpenny / ha'penny; penny; threepence/thruppence, sixpence; shilling; florin; half crown; and crown denominations under a paper one pound note worth 20 shillings.
And the new: 1c, 2c, 5, 10c, 20c, 50c under the new paper one dollar note.
As you state, although there were 12 pennies (12d) to a shilling, on decimalisation in 1966, they became worth just 10c in the new coinage. However, a penny coin (1d) was still worth 1c and two (2d 2c), three (3d 3c), four (4d 4c), or five (5d 5c) individual pennies or combinations with threepences were worth the equivalent in cents.
Then a sixpence coin was only worth 5c - what a bummer!
So on decimalisation in Feb 1966, (the same year being a Scorpio that I started school in January;)), most five year olds with fingers could work out that a threepence/thruppence coin was worth 3c worth of lollies and a sixpence was only worth 5c.
As a kid at the time who was lucky to get a sixpence pocket money every month or so, I was very quick to change any sixpence I found or was given for those pennies and thruppences.
Those were the days when the first thing you did when you got in a car was run your hands between the seat cushions and hunt for coins!
A Choo Choo Bar hard liquorice stick was just 2c then and pennies counted! ;):roll::roll::roll:
Well, at 74, and some rather rough old age stuff going on, I had not ridden any of my 6 motorcycles in months. Yesterday, I got bold enough to take my favorite Rocket (05 with 2015 engine, header, etc.) to the Diner for a nice steak dinner. WOW! I had actually forgot the power of these machines. Permanent grin for sure. Also as a tid bit of info, I have one of the "Antigravity" lithium batteries in that bike. It had sat so long, no tender, that it just briefly flashed the lights before it went dead. I popped the seat off, pressed the built in button "jump start" feature of these batteries, and she fired right up! Pretty neat! Now this morning, I am a bit sore, just from my ride. Ahhhh, old age......