Rocket owners average age!


Amen to that!
I remember those years well (she's 38 now) when I preached to her the law of 3-Bs.
No Boys!
No Booze!
No Bumps!

My standard greeting to the boys was, "Hi ya, I'm Sommer's Dad. You two have a good time, but I just want to let you know that Sommer is my heart.
If you break my heart, I kill you!"
Amen to that!
I remember those years well (she's 38 now) when I preached to her the law of 3-Bs.
No Boys!
No Booze!
No Bumps!

My standard greeting to the boys was, "Hi ya, I'm Sommer's Dad. You two have a good time, but I just want to let you know that Sommer is my heart.
If you break my heart, I kill you!"

Pretty clear and straight forward ! No confusion there!!