Rocket owners average age!

Well I've made a few rough calculations and also based on the previous totals I am still only going to be 'Mr Average'
52 here, and they told me I was going to go blind doing it hmm maybe that's why need glasses now, started riding at 7-years old, and never stopped, funest bikes, (aside from the rocket) were my Can-AM Qualifer 3 and MX6, 1978 Honda CR 250 Elsinor, and Yamaha RD.
And since I checked this thread and happened to come into it during the whole Tally Wacker episode, during a business meeting no less, and couldn't stop laughing, I now have another meeting with my boss to explain myself FML ,
THANKS GUYS, no really, totally worth it
I did it til they made me stop doing

No worries mate - we know the boss will fully understand once you explain clearly and have stopped laughing...BTW on your profile pic of your bike, are those rear armrests I can see? Or am I just really seeing things in my old age...
No worries mate - we know the boss will fully understand once you explain clearly and have stopped laughing...BTW on your profile pic of your bike, are those rear armrests I can see? Or am I just really seeing things in my old age...

ummm well you are seeing something, but not arm rests, those are on my GoldWing, on the Triumph it is a case of hang on or fall off, your choice, but i'm not coming back to get you,, that is either one of my jackets or maybe another helmet on the bac k seat

Great - either senility has set in or I’ve developed a six sense as to how peoples’ non Rocket bikes are fitted out.... either way not good...
Gosh darn that last meeting went well, handed him the computer and just said here, read the thread, he laughed, and luckily he rides as well.
he now seems to be glued to this site, and is now debating a rocket, I have ridden with him and his daughter last year and he has seen this bike do a burnout all the way down the driveway at work, and the occasional wheelie, and the silly man keeps trying to convince himself he doesn't need that much power, he is losing that battle.

Don’t know how he can stay the boss if he can’t see that he needs the power of the rocket.... now you have him in your sites Frosty, I feel a a takeover coming on... feel the rocket, use it’s power wisely Luke...