Rocket owners average age!

I did the count, and math last time. Let one of the youngsters do it this time.

Looks like #cadconversions is a year younger than me lol he can do it
They do in the oilfield. We use an engineers tape to measure drill pipe, and casing, and have special tally books to write it down.

In the days before computers ,at receiving docks for Transport deliveries there was always a Tally Clerk, recording goods received in a Journal/tally book ,apparently in the olden days illiterate workers used a notched rod to keep "tally" of various quantities received ect,
I've noticed I'm not the only old geezer on this forum! Whats everyones age on here? I'll be 63 in July!
birthday in 96 hrs if you read this post on wed 03 2018 , when front digit is added to second digit total is 9