Rocket owners average age!

I think I may have responded to this once..........or did I ? Currently hiding keys from myself and staining garments. I can still pick a squirrel of a limb with a .22 punk.
I think I may have responded to this once..........or did I ? Currently hiding keys from myself and staining garments. I can still pick a squirrel of a limb with a .22 punk.
Yes you did, but I have made a spread sheet with everyone's ages so far(approximately, there were some sly answers in here), deleted the duplicates, and altered the values for the ones that said there birthday was earlier this year.

Total posts-151
Total years-8055
Average age-53.34437086092715 years (or 53 years and 125.77877 days)
Ruzzle is winning the age contest, and openeoad is farthest behind.

I now have a completely useless list of 151 forum names in order of age which I will post if you guys want me to.... Darn A.D.D. making me do random crap.
Yes you did, but I have made a spread sheet with everyone's ages so far(approximately, there were some sly answers in here), deleted the duplicates, and altered the values for the ones that said there birthday was earlier this year.

Total posts-151
Total years-8055
Average age-53.34437086092715 years (or 53 years and 125.77877 days)
Ruzzle is winning the age contest, and openeoad is farthest behind.

I now have a completely useless list of 151 forum names in order of age which I will post if you guys want me to.... Darn A.D.D. making me do random crap.
go on be interesting to see
Watching the football game tonight and they were saying they are celebrating 45 years of Monday Night Football. I remember the first Monday night games, and I remember going to work on Tuesday mornings with a hangover.

Thanks for reminding me how old I be - :eek::(:thumbsup:
I remember watching the first Super Bowl over many beers at a buddy's pad (1969).
Note: The first two championships were known as the "AFL–NFL World Championship Game".
Later the Jets victory game was designated Super Bowl III.
A warning... I capitalized nothing.

21 openeoad
24 danky
25 camptc
25 mikedey
26 random_chipmunk
29 greggry
31 rich brewer
31 scottishr3t
32 chris kelley
32 vinkster
33 ketsmclets
33 ricochet
34 james
34 trath
35 ktric
36 cadconversions
36 cardinal93
37 evil mitch
38 kaivalagi
39 mcwrencherson
40 mr hunt
40 watcher
41 rockethead
42 eric noel
43 big g
43 hossman
43 MarvinM
43 scott
44 rough-but-slow
45 bill widrig
45 mittzy
45 ned kelly
45 ridefree
45 tford69
46 dawg 68
46 ian67
46 uk daytona
47 mexican
47 steel
47 wrecka
48 bigkel
48 flyreels
49 boog
49 drmd421
49 englishrider
49 evanr
50 borntoride63
50 dwirfel
50 hogweed
50 ironhorse96
50 jted3
50 marky mark
50 mikemartin88
50 pres10
50 r3tex
50 scuba craig
51 alex
51 bruce aussie
51 buck182
52 johnnyb09t
53 2toneblue
53 bflyer
53 boudreaux
53 docholady
53 lickety split
53 lifelong biker
53 patrol21
53 phil r
53 punker
53 wildchild
54 barbagris
54 bigfatdad
54 mikewd
54 skinnyvinny2
54 warp9.9
55 big marty
55 dugan8r
55 fat freddy
55 joesmoe
55 lonzol
55 ozrider
55 pete
55 rocket scientist
56 ausgnome
56 breeze
56 idaho red rocket 3
56 peter k
56 the kiwi
56 tomcat
57 canberrar3
57 hanso
57 mcather
57 tripps
58 bonecarver
58 idk67
58 joseyr3wales
58 jp99tbirdnm
58 torchie
59 1bigdog
59 kipper
59 ski
60 bdkcoyote
60 gra53
60 greggor
60 Jackg
60 johnreeder
60 rolltide
60 wetrudgeon
60 wordwarrior
61 neveragain
61 och2spot
61 triumphil
62 64herald
62 behemoth
62 bigal52
62 martym52
62 mike
62 rayjay
62 vagabond
62 vanguard138
63 daddyrabbit
63 jake shaw
63 jim/maine
63 rick mcc.
63 ygransom
64 captain jack
64 cootertwo
64 magnmm
64 stripes
65 jamie
65 ksquared
65 rocket65
66 budman
66 cusso ken
66 gpmaz
66 kmrmike
66 Richard tanner
66 tull
67 1olbull
67 battersea
67 jedarocket
67 seabum
67 torocket
68 albertaduke
68 rocket roger
69 turbo200r4
69 zenbiker
70 jetzzel
71 busajack
72 herdman
75 ruzzle

Also, I apologize for discrepancies. Some posts were riddles, and some I probably just put down wrong.
A warning... I capitalized nothing.

21 openeoad
24 danky
25 camptc
25 mikedey
26 random_chipmunk
29 greggry
31 rich brewer
31 scottishr3t
32 chris kelley
32 vinkster
33 ketsmclets
33 ricochet
34 james
34 trath
35 ktric
36 cadconversions
36 cardinal93
37 evil mitch
38 kaivalagi
39 mcwrencherson
40 mr hunt
40 watcher
41 rockethead
42 eric noel
43 big g
43 hossman
43 MarvinM
43 scott
44 rough-but-slow
45 bill widrig
45 mittzy
45 ned kelly
45 ridefree
45 tford69
46 dawg 68
46 ian67
46 uk daytona
47 mexican
47 steel
47 wrecka
48 bigkel
48 flyreels
49 boog
49 drmd421
49 englishrider
49 evanr
50 borntoride63
50 dwirfel
50 hogweed
50 ironhorse96
50 jted3
50 marky mark
50 mikemartin88
50 pres10
50 r3tex
50 scuba craig
51 alex
51 bruce aussie
51 buck182
52 johnnyb09t
53 2toneblue
53 bflyer
53 boudreaux
53 docholady
53 lickety split
53 lifelong biker
53 patrol21
53 phil r
53 punker
53 wildchild
54 barbagris
54 bigfatdad
54 mikewd
54 skinnyvinny2
54 warp9.9
55 big marty
55 dugan8r
55 fat freddy
55 joesmoe
55 lonzol
55 ozrider
55 pete
55 rocket scientist
56 ausgnome
56 breeze
56 idaho red rocket 3
56 peter k
56 the kiwi
56 tomcat
57 canberrar3
57 hanso
57 mcather
57 tripps
58 bonecarver
58 idk67
58 joseyr3wales
58 jp99tbirdnm
58 torchie
59 1bigdog
59 kipper
59 ski
60 bdkcoyote
60 gra53
60 greggor
60 Jackg
60 johnreeder
60 rolltide
60 wetrudgeon
60 wordwarrior
61 neveragain
61 och2spot
61 triumphil
62 64herald
62 behemoth
62 bigal52
62 martym52
62 mike
62 rayjay
62 vagabond
62 vanguard138
63 daddyrabbit
63 jake shaw
63 jim/maine
63 rick mcc.
63 ygransom
64 captain jack
64 cootertwo
64 magnmm
64 stripes
65 jamie
65 ksquared
65 rocket65
66 budman
66 cusso ken
66 gpmaz
66 kmrmike
66 Richard tanner
66 tull
67 1olbull
67 battersea
67 jedarocket
67 seabum
67 torocket
68 albertaduke
68 rocket roger
69 turbo200r4
69 zenbiker
70 jetzzel
71 busajack
72 herdman
75 ruzzle

Also, I apologize for discrepancies. Some posts were riddles, and some I probably just put down wrong.

Me hates to admit this, but the 1olbull is 68 years immature!
Appreciate you doing ALL this work. Just two comments:
1) You have WAAAAAAY too much time on your hands!
2) I be happy to know there are indeed raisins around here older than I!!!
By the way, I said squirrel, not chipmunk and punks would have been more appropriate as I intended to address the crowd here and not thee. And yes, mine r correct. Getting closer to the wrong end of the list.