Rocket owners average age!

Ok, now I may be able to win the shortest AND youngest on the forums. Continuing my long term record of being below average... I will be 26 in just over a week. Though, to be fair, the only reason I could afford the beast was because I bought it from my dad after his back injury.
Though I have to say, I barely remember what I had for breakfast, thus I am amazed anyone remembered my age at all. Actually, I'm not sure I have eaten breakfast today....

Maybe the youngest lady Rocket owner??? for the shortest....we could start that thread but the boys will all over-estimate so probs won't be too accurate
Maybe the youngest lady Rocket owner??? for the shortest....we could start that thread but the boys will all over-estimate so probs won't be too accurate

LOL, I haven't checked the thread in a while, but I'd be willing to put my money where my inseam is that there aren't many 5' 1/2" riders on here. So far my only mods to reach the ground has come by way of shoe shopping. Platform boots let me get a foot down at stops and see over high counters at the candy store.

Just sold my Virago for the money to get shorter shocks and a custom seat.... and maybe more boots, never enough boots.

As soon as I can comfortably get both feet down, I'll finally be able to take my best friend out on it. She gets a kick out of grabbing my boobs every time someone double takes at seeing two girls on a bike!
Happy birthday bigAL hope ya not working to hard

Thanks mate, still repairing flood damaged roads between Gayndah, Mundubbera and Monto. Working 10 on/4 off but not much time for anything when I get home.
Managed to start the bike this weekend but it didn't leave the shed. Maybe next time I'm home!!!!