Rocket owners average age!

Where I come from "Ex" means leaving before you get your "20".....

Never heard that one before - interesting though.
BUT I had plenty over 20 in when I retired anyway.

So, Boca Raton Boy, you riding up for RAA in June?
I love how those Cajun cities roll off the tongue! Baton Rouge is my fav.
[You'ree="1olbull, post: 233234, member: 3883"]So then, experiencee white rappeelse....rkey Mark, if I be pushing 68 how many standard deviations be that?

Wish I knew more about statistics - would help me in my work.
Good On Ya!

You're about 1.5 SD's above the mean -
sailing serenely toward the top 5% elde.....errrr, most experienced captains
OK - having a brain turned to mush by a recent statistics class, I did some crunching based on the first 10 pages of responses here:

Average Age = 55.6
Median Age = 56
Mode = 57

So at 50, I'm a young-un....

Now tell everybody why the average and median are different???
Ha, I went to FAU before I went to Michigan. Spent about20 years in Palm Beach County. Started my career with the Department of veterans Affairs at the Miami VA and helped open the West Palm Beach VA.
Ha, I went to FAU before I went to Michigan. Spent about20 years in Palm Beach County. Started my career with the Department of veterans Affairs at the Miami VA and helped open the West Palm Beach VA.
Thanks for your service to VAs!
We have and are because of what they (Vets) did.
Ha, I went to FAU before I went to Michigan. Spent about20 years in Palm Beach County. Started my career with the Department of veterans Affairs at the Miami VA and helped open the West Palm Beach VA.
Thanks for your service for veterans! From down here in the foothills of NC!
Now tell everybody why the average and median are different???
Pretty simple.

The "average", know in statistics as the "arithmetic mean", is derived by diving the gross raw sum by the number of respondents.

On the other hand, the median is the value which lies in the precise midpoint of the field; that is to say the value where exactly 50% of the values lie above that number and 50% of the values lie below it.