Rocket owners average age!

We never actually got the exact age of Methuselah (Ruzzle) so I suspect the average is a tad higher, even if you include the tiny number representing Mitch's age. In any case I reckon I'm still above average. Yay.
Mitch? Who the *** is Mitch????
Just sh1tting you.... where is our Mitch anyway? ?
Been too long.
I think Ruzzle is 74 soon not sure of exact date but I will find out one ............ day
OK... somebody's got to do the calc for our average age, already - the suspense is killin' me. I'd guestimate it to be ****ed close to my actual age!

If you leave out the Aussies it's 39 if you count the Aussies it's 71

I just got my R3R two weeks ago and I'm turning 35 in March, am I the youngest here ??