Rocket lll Touring NO CONFIDENCE

Umm, a new, in-house designed proprietary power plant, more plasti-chrome and less leather, not unlike Triumph's T-Birds, Harley's multiple models under $20,000 and most of Indian's new owner's - Polaris Industry's - entire Victory line-up. If they and all of the rice-burner-makers can do it, why can't the new and improved "Indian" follow suit?
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I have never been on any bike forum (I have been on many, you should see the Big Dog forum!!!) where someone and even many, have similar tales of woe.
I have 18K miles on my 07 Classic, 4K of which are with the Carpenter 240 kit which tells you I run her hard. My riding buddy has an 05 R3 with 30K miles.
Neither one of us had had a single mechanical problem....not one We take cross country trips every summer and do it with total confidence because we've never been let down.
We did both do the Eastern Beaver fix but only a two years ago.
I wouldn't worry about the engine which is a brick **** house and rarely fails.
As an aside...if you really want to experience the bike's potential, consider Carpenter racing for their build. It is a different Rocket altogether and makes me grin each time I ride.
The problems you describe are easy fixes and I hope you will pursue them. I'm not sure why they are not more popular which has always puzzled me. It cannot be because of reliability or there would be NO Harleys on the road!
The fact is that I rather like the exclusivity and rarity of them. The problem is that there is a very limited aftermarket number of parts.
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Hey Phil...Where are you? A lot of perfect riding weather is going by. I'll call you during the week to see if a ride can happen next weekend.
Maybe with Art as well!
$1000 minor, Sorry, my rice burners never done me like that. Would have felt better if the dealer told me the new spring was an upgrade-improved design etc, but it's the same part.

I've ridden mine throughout US and Europe and never once had a worry about getting stranded; nor have I researched where any shops were. I have full confidence and she hasn't let me down yet!

As for the detent spring, if you paid $1000 you got ripped of and your contempt should be for the shop not the Rocket. You can so the repair yourself $6 part or get it done at most shops for around $300 from what I understand?