Rocket indicators. Self cancelling?

Um, you probably don't know what a Tourer actually is but anyway, none of them anywhere in the world came with self cancelling indicators. Not sure what your point is. Pig ignorance and name calling so soon. Good job!
Reading previous comments is always a good start to getting the point. Swearing and a general holier than thou bad attitude is guaranteed to get a reaction. You sound surprised? If you cannot say anything constructive in the thread then don't comment. No one likes a smart ass.
Just to clarify matters, there have been several models of the RIII. They are Standard, Classic, Tourer, Touring, Roadster, and Roadster X. The Touring model is the only one with a single headlight, and it is also the only one with self cancelling signals. If you have any other model of the RIII apart from the Touring model then you will have to push the little button to turn the turn signals off.
Thanks IDK for an adult reply. So the touring model self cancels. Who was this canberra calling pig ignorant? He obviously thinks he knows more than he actually does. Who is he anyway? But I think we all know what he is.
Yep, we got another one.

Well it only took 40 odd posts when the answer was clearly set out for you in the first 3 responses. I shouldn't have pointed out that you are pig ignorant so I apologise for that. You're just a bit slow

I don't think you understand how this place works and the f word gets thrown about a fair bit, more for colour than insult. I see @HansO enjoyed your little dig at me, which isn't surprising given his immaturity and typically childish behaviour. You 2 should get along pretty well. Anyway, I'm done with you; too much like hard work.
Yes, is from the factory that way. I seldom use it though, I grew up always having to cancel signals so it is second nature to me to cancel them myself.

I have a 2013 T also and I believe that was listed as a feature. Like you, I've riden so long my thumb automatically cancels in the turn anyway so I really don't know if the feature works.
classic self cancelling,can I add self cancelling relay,considering that power is there until you physically have to push indicator button to turn off..