Rocket indicators. Self cancelling?

"Thanks Bob I had read that some do. So went to the dealership today and they said that no Rockets have that function. A bit more product knowledge needed it seems."

I just love the dealers who don't know squat about these bikes. Yes this dealer needs to get some more product knowledge for sure.
Now I have to make sure. I will try in the morning on the way to work, if I can remember not to cancel them manually. ;)

self cancelling blinkers should be mandatory on all bikes, they are on all other vehicles Why only the Touring has them I do not know,
Certainly not mandatory here. And would be inconsistent with the supposed requirement to keep the indicator on when in the fast lane of a motorway.

Cancellation systems on cars are simple due to a steering column. On bikes NOT so easy. ime Pure time based systems are frankly dangerous.
Certainly not mandatory here. And would be inconsistent with the supposed requirement to keep the indicator on when in the fast lane of a motorway.

Cancellation systems on cars are simple due to a steering column. On bikes NOT so easy. ime Pure time based systems are frankly dangerous.
Certainly not mandatory here. And would be inconsistent with the supposed requirement to keep the indicator on when in the fast lane of a motorway.

Cancellation systems on cars are simple due to a steering column. On bikes NOT so easy. ime Pure time based systems are frankly dangerous.

Don't try leaving an indicator on in Australia or you will be fined $Aud165.00 and loose 2 demerit points for incorrect use of an indicator the same fine as failing to indicate turning left or right ,merging from the left or right lane or leaving a roundabout ,SO self cancelling indicators should be mandatory in Australia like All other vehicles built since 1964 are, some motorcycles have distant travelled self cancelling units
And this is why no vehicle can be made to comply with all laws.

But frankly - if you're not fit to manage an indicator switch - should you be allowed to manage a motor vehicle?
But frankly - if you're not fit to manage an indicator switch - should you be allowed to manage a motor vehicle?
Hay! Leave me out of this;). Seriously If they had a law about turning off turn signals in Georgia (and enforcing it), this would be the wealthiest state in the USA.:coffee: