Rocket III Valve compressor tool to be available again.

Thanks everyone for your suggestions and offers. I was successful, and all out of specs shims have been replaced. For some reason I initially thought that the bucket notch should be aligned where the shim would be removed. Of course, on the intake side that made it impossible to reach. It finally donned on me that it didn't matter and things went smoothly after that. Of course, the last one was quick and smooth, given all my practice.

cheers, Terry
Here's the post related to valve shim removal to tool. For the pics scroll down to 1lbull on page 1. VALVE SHIM REMOVAL TOOL
Thanks much! I didn't know there were any more posts to this thread and I don't think I receive notices so I have to go back and check any posts I haven't seen.

BTW, I did buy the valve compressing tool that I mentioned at the beginning of this post. I was surprised that pages from what is clearly a factory service manual were included showing a similar tool and how to use it. Triumph obviously had such a tool. If I'm not mistaken, my downloaded version of the service manual makes no mention of it and instead says the cams have to be removed (I may be wrong about that, though.) I'll be curious to see what the hardcopy service manual I just ordered shows. (I just like paper manuals.)

I bought the tool for $160 but since it's made one at a time, I'm not sure what someone else would pay or even if they can get one. Anyone interested should contact the person I mentioned previously. The tool is very well made.
I bought the tool for $160 but since it's made one at a time, I'm not sure what someone else would pay or even if they can get one. Anyone interested should contact the person I mentioned previously. The tool is very well made.
If I had a drawing I would make mine but the alas I have a mill but no need for the tool as I have under the shim buckets. Oh wait I still have a stock engine on a pallet down stairs

on a side note you should check you timing prior to using the tool engines have been found with timing off one tooth still runs good but down on power a little. Easy to check since you will have the cam cover off and you can line things up thru the inspection plug in the front cover. Also check tensioner drop prior in case it has dropped to far these are things that might make you have to release the timing chain anyway.

Good tool if all you need is shims. I bet it is still a pecker of a time and not sure how much time you would save especially if thing go a foul with the bucket.

Thanks for the tips. I'll keep them in mind if and when I check the valve clearances. I'm sure you're right about it taking a lot of time even with the tool and I was hesitant to buy the tool because I don't think it would be a problem to remove the cams anyway but the tool may not be available in the future and I'm thinking that if I find that just one or two shims need replacing, it would maybe worth having it. Also, it's nice to know that I can change the shims without removing the cams when the time comes. But, again, I really don't see a problem with removing the cams and I'm actually surprised that I decided to buy the tool because I can't see where the job (removing cams) is any big deal anyway and I have a real knack for figuring out how to get things done without special tools. I guess I'm just a hopeless tool freak! I see that someone mentioned that a special tool is needed to do the timing. I'm not sure what the tool is but I'll deal with that if and when I have to remove the cams. I'm just curious about this stuff so I'll check that out in the service manual.
If you have to pull the cams I have the alignment tool you can use it and send it back to me.
Yes same thing Patrick

so now there are at least 2 of theses tools out in triumph's land pretty soon we could start a virtual R3 repair shop online for the R3 community!!!