Thanks for the tips. I'll keep them in mind if and when I check the valve clearances. I'm sure you're right about it taking a lot of time even with the tool and I was hesitant to buy the tool because I don't think it would be a problem to remove the cams anyway but the tool may not be available in the future and I'm thinking that if I find that just one or two shims need replacing, it would maybe worth having it. Also, it's nice to know that I can change the shims without removing the cams when the time comes. But, again, I really don't see a problem with removing the cams and I'm actually surprised that I decided to buy the tool because I can't see where the job (removing cams) is any big deal anyway and I have a real knack for figuring out how to get things done without special tools. I guess I'm just a hopeless tool freak!

I see that someone mentioned that a special tool is needed to do the timing. I'm not sure what the tool is but I'll deal with that if and when I have to remove the cams. I'm just curious about this stuff so I'll check that out in the service manual.