Rocket III Carpenter Racing side badges available

Do you plan on mailing through postal service or other? Thinking of waiting until I get to Florida to order, idiots wouldn't give me a post office box last trip without a paper copy of my deed, even though I showed them a e-copy on my phone, didn't have time to deal with it. Why would I want a box if I didn't live there?
IM thinking Carpenter will get some for the shop
Dammit! - I will have to buy a 3D printer now.

These badges are done on a CNC mill in aluminium, but i guess they could be 3D printed in plastic too, just wouldn't look as good

They can be sent any way you wish dude

IM thinking Carpenter will get some for the shop

I think they're a great idea, they'd be a nice addition to the kits.
Like the way Dynojet, HKS, etc give you decals with their stuff so you can stick it on your car/bike etc. Free advertisement too
YES I agree would be a nice touch on the CARPENTER bikes
These badges are done on a CNC mill in aluminium, but i guess they could be 3D printed in plastic too, just wouldn't look as good
Who mentioned plastic? - Was thinking Sintered Metal 3D printing. Mrs B- would then discover that 3 bikes is less expensive than she thinks.
For us folks in the US, could you get them to make a few with 140 CI instead of 2500 CC?