All bike models come to an end at some time, except for the Enfield? Even the venerable Honda CB 750 died in 2003. I didn't buy my Rocket expecting Triumph to make Rockets forever, and if they ever decide to end production of the Rocket, that will be fine with me. I would not consider selling the Rocket because Triumph decides to stop building them. I'll just feel sorry for those who never got the chance to experience one..
I plan on keeping my Rocket as long as my favorite tie,......forever. Honestly, Triumph could stop production today and I'd not give a wit,...... and agree with Tex when he says: "I'll just feel sorry for those who never got a chance to experience one".:bch:
I think there are a few more than 2000 in the USA.... I know 16000 have been sold worldwide since inception.... My dealer in the backwoods of south central PA has sold 44 since inception... I am willing to bet 6-8 thousand....
I think there are a few more than 2000 in the USA.... I know 16000 have been sold worldwide since inception.... My dealer in the backwoods of south central PA has sold 44 since inception... I am willing to bet 6-8 thousand....
The R3 appeals to those who march to a little different drummer, as has already been stated in this thread. I first saw one on-line in early 04 and fell instantly in love. I had to have one. I was going to wait 2 years and try to find a good used one, but found I was lying awake at night thinking of the beast, so I jumped in and bought a new one. The few used ones I had seen up to that point were going for almost as much as a new one, anyway.
I got first entangled at Daytona Bike Week a couple of years ago. I'd never heard of the "rocket" until I sat on it for the first time. I giggling like a school girl by the first stoplight because the acceleration nearly ripped the half helmet right off my head.
I knew then that I had to have one and it took my about 18 months of building marital credits before I finally got one. I haven't regretted that decision for one second.
Discontinued in the US, or not, I've got mine and as long as Triumph is making them somewhere in the world, I can get parts for it.
Teaching or educating someone who owns a V-Rod ... is that possible? ... speaking as someone who has put a lot of miles on HDs ... well, bluntly one would have to have functional brain cells in order to be "taught" ... if one had functional grey matter, would one purchase a Vrod ??? ... enquiring minds want to know ...:bch: