Rocket Down... '06 Classic

You've got that bike up and riding like three times now, I'd say she's a keeper.....I still have the boots and riding suit I was wearing when I went over a cliff. I know how it is.
You've got that bike up and riding like three times now, I'd say she's a keeper.....I still have the boots and riding suit I was wearing when I went over a cliff. I know how it is.

i started to put a like on there but i did not want u to think i liked u going over the cliff

Wow Spike, your bike is like a dog you just cant put down. I had been planning to Plastidip my R3 Flex Blue, chop the rear fender slightly, and put the black head cover back on, and paint some other bits.. glad I didnt. Also, 3 weeks later and my windshield would have been on there and likely lost as well. We all have our pet peeves about our bikes, mine is covering up as much chrome as I can, blue and black is what I like.

From your list of "parts needed" cost $$$$$$$$$$$ , along with your statement:
The guy said the frame was not bent.
The freaking adjuster does not know if the frame is bent or not - Why the h<ll do they say something that they have no idea what they are talking about - That frame would need to be cross measured out!
Anyway, sounds like you made a good choice
Glad to hear you guys are alive and well.
A local fella here who has owned a small Harley shop for at least 40 years and rides year round ( not easily done here in New England ) hit deer number 8 last week. Second one this year, I think he has 4 kills.He must be pushing 70 years of age by now. Anyway I passed him on the road two days later on his third bike of the year . He went to a sportster and sidecar for the winters a couple years ago.

That's a hardcore old timer. Riding in the winter can be very therapeutic. Get some decent gloves, layer up, and let everything numb out. The air is so much clearer and cleaner in the cold months. My bro-inlaw actually throws on his knobbie tyres so he can even ride in the snow, up in Missouri. But 8 deer?! Bet his insurance LOVES him!
Well that all sounds awesome. I always thought 3 exhaust pipes were like 3 boobs, kinda weird...
Oiii the non symmetrical look of the Rocket's Mufflers was one of the things that appealed to me, it would have been to easy for Triumph to not "Go Your Own Way" but the fact that they stuck this bloody great 3cylinder motor in long ways with double headlights and big Fat Rear End were the bright light that drew this moth to it, I was so determined to keep the 3 mufflers that when I got my CES header system I had him custom build at transition pipe to connect to the modified StainTune mufflers which due to OD of the pipe meant almost no restriction till the exhaust gases hit the baffles, she is make more than enough noise and goes like scalded cat, in my opinion the standard Roadster Bazooka size twin mufflers were a step backwards in the individualitic styling of the Rocket ....... rant over ... Cheers

How much for bodily injury?