Rocket Club??????

A Rocket Club

"Club" versus "association" or "chapter" or whatever, wordsmithing aside... I happen to have helped create a regional, Franco-Swiss, Rocket III-only Club last Sep., the RCE (with Tomo and a couple others as innocent "Honorary US Members" ). Pics of our first two outings were posted here a couple of months ago.

Starting a club from scratch and running it takes enthusiasm, dedication and real --and occasionally frustrating-- legwork : communicating, scheduling (weeks ahead of time!) and organizing meetings, soliciting and eventually getting firm commitments to hotel reservations or other group events, record-keeping, producing and retailing tee-shirts ... road books... stickers... and other identity-building gadgetry (incredibly successful, I found out)... involving local Triumph dealers (or at least making the effort)... causing some newbies to realize that comeradeship might take more than just one common mount and a quick pint of beer... causing some others to accept that club leadership should NOT boil down to a supplier-to-customer relationship... smoothing the inevitable differences out (social, regional, pillion-driven, distance-constrained, riding style-related, etc.) and, above all, helping detect, recognize and promote common affinities (an enduring sense of humour being foremost), beside or beyond RocketIII ownership.

(Something I have learnt from THIS forum , BTW)

It's been fun, thus far .

To sum it up: If you are seriously longing for-/would like to join- a regional Rocket III-only club and there ain't any around, JUST MAKE IT HAPPEN... CREATE IT

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It looks like Jamie was going to talk about RCE, an outfit he helped put together in his neck of the woods..

For some reason... we are fairly lucky in the fact that we do have a fair nimber of Rocket Captains here and we get together when we can. Up until recently we uesd this website and T Rat to organize our "Board Meetings". This year we will be able to utilize our usergroup subforum here. Make no mistake about it... we just get together when we feel like it, its no club. We just try and get the word out that we are going for a ride and some make it and some don't. We sure do have a good time. If you like riding motorsickles and eating food you too could join in. We have others tag along on other brands of motorcycles and thats just fine with us, we are pretty low key.

So I guess the first thing you need to find out in your area is the names of other R III owners near you, possibly if you joined your local RAT pack that would help. Keep your eyes on the forums also, people pop up all the time. Seems like there are a bunch in Texas. Then, someone needs to make an effort to get together and ride somewhere. I think it pobably works better at first if its just a short afternoon deal to get to know each other. Whatever you think is best .

I think it helps to be kind of tolerant. I'm not a world class biker by any means and others live the lifestyle. I'm pretty sure I will be a little richer for having met all of you, ****... maybe you'll even talk me into getting a tramp stamp....
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