Rocket Club??????


Nov 26, 2006
Kalamazoo, Mi
Not sure where to post this one, so I will just put it here. Has there been any thought of a Rocket Riders Club or group or is there already one? Yearly get together kind of stuff, runs for charity, runs for just going for a ride together, any type of thing have some small patched made up that sort of thing? Or is there no interest in something like that. If HArley can have 900,000 HOG members we have to start somewhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can see it now Rocket Owners Club ROC !!!!!!!!

Proper Forum Use

Hey Mr. Freak...

Why don't we save this forum for new member introductions. This post would fit better in the bearclaw forum... it is kind of a general Rocket forum. I will move it there.

If you look at the descriptions of the forums it will help you put your posts in an area where they fit and you will probably get more responses.


I'd love to be part of a Rocket club. The problem I see is that there are so bikers with our discriminating taste. I'm lucky just to see another Rocket! I personally know only one Rocket captain and I live near Atlanta! I'm all for it but it's gonna be tough getting us together. Possibly a regional thing might work once a yr. I think a riding location with a natural attraction might be the place to the Dragon in the SE or middle East. Each area of the country might be able to scrape up a few Rockets......I know I'd enjoy it.
Our dealer in Kazoo has several events each year. I ride down for the open houses and get a free lunch then cruise the Blue Star Hwy. The dealer also has several rides. There is a ready made club right there! Keep and eye on the Life Cycle events calendar.

I belong to the MI VTX Riders club. They don't care what you ride and big cruisers (Rockets) fit right in. The meetings are the first Sunday of every month at noon at a restaurant somewhere in the state and a ride follows if weather permits. Visit:
Yeah, we are now teaching our Michigan Motorcycle Safety classes at Life Cycle along with another Dealership in Kalamazoo, so we will be riding a lot with them.

A ride

I am trying to get some people together to ride the dragon in May (Memorial weekend) my mom lives in TN at the foot hills of the Smokey’s. We could start there and ride all weekend. Get a bunch of Rockets and we could tame the dragon.

club comment

Sounds like a good idea ... However, based on experience with another model specific group and a few years of riding ... I would suggest that things will go smoother if the term "club" is avoided ... there are sound reasons why the corporate sponsors chose HOG (organization) and RATS (association), and it was not just to have a nifty acronym ... rider associations draw unnecessary attention to themselves when they choose a name that implies they are something which they are not ... and they are not a motorcycle club.

Just my 2 cents,
I agree Chuck. My wife and I are planning a ride to the Dragons tail this year ourselves I hear it is a great ride. Memorial Weekend we do a yearly ride to the Machinac Bridge.

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If you guys go to the old post 'Rockets Across America' you will see a Rocket 3 ride we organized that was fantastic. Got to meet Vonbonds who rode from Baltimore (I think )to Sedalia Missouri in two days then iron butted back 1300 plus miles in 17 hours! I think Regional groups would work much better. They could then post rides they organize on the calander and those of us outside that region could join in if possible. As to the Club, let's leave that to the Outlaws, Bandito's, IF and HA.

Toystoretom, let these guys know what we are doing here in the Midwest.