Rare as hen's teeth now and been hunted worldwide now for a few years.
I stumbled across a supply of about 8 front fender rails with chrome spears and a similar number of R3T pannier rail sets from NZ with the help of
@phar2slo a few years ago and sold them all worldwide for about Au$300- 450 (US$240 -US$360) a pop before I ended up with my own R3T and finally got a set of pannier rails cobbled together from bits acquired separately from multiple sources that have cost me US$415 (Au$640) installed.
I have only seen a damaged mangled set of front fender rails for sale since, and they sold too.
Now a big $ item for those rich enough and just have to have one, It is surprising how many get sold with the used bike for no extra real value.
If the owners removed and sold their accessories separately they would make a lot more.
I reckon Charlton Heston still has his firmly grasped in the grave too.