Rocket 3 tee's anyone ? (revisited)

I think the larger ring would be the better t-shirt design. Washed out 'jack sitting behind the triangle. But either would look great.

So Fred, when's it happening???
Richard I worry about you my friend :rolleyes:I'm sure you read my mind sometimes:eek:
I reckon the same washed out jack as used behind his piston shirt but with just the triangle or the whole ring on top;)
How about both. The man is in the business now.:cool:

I think the larger ring would be the better t-shirt design. Washed out 'jack sitting behind the triangle. But either would look great.

So Fred, when's it happening???

Are you guys planning my day again ?;)
Fred, I'm Rocketing towards retirement (pun intended) and I need t-shirts. Whenever you're ready with the "flag and triangle" design, mate. No huge rush. Sometime soon. Ta. :D