It's dead easy Fred. You set up a PayPal account and link it to either an e-mail address or mobile phone number. We enter either of those and the funds go into your account. You have the option of withdrawing the funds or using them for purchases. That just means you have to be prepared to pass on either an e-mail address or phone number for us to use.
The catch is that there are PayPal fees which commercial sellers generally bear (ie they build them into the price). Alternatively, the funds can be paid to you as a "gift", in which case the sender has to pay the fee on top of the amount being transfered. It's not much but it does add up if you have several transactions.
My suggestion to you would be to add the fees to the price because invariably someone will forget to send the money as a gift (it's easy to do), leaving you to cover the fees. If someone then makes an error and sends it as gift by mistake, it will be in your favour!
I find having a PayPal account very convenient and the best (read easiest, quickest and most secure) way to buy things online.