Rocket 3 oil capacity

Why is the dipstick so short in the rocket? Ever since I have been changing vehicle oil, the stick goes to the bottom of the oil pan in the engine.

Synthetic oil stands up to higher temp. I use it but with turbo or FA it is necessary.
Why is the dipstick so short in the rocket? Ever since I have been changing vehicle oil, the stick goes to the bottom of the oil pan in the engine.
Rocket is dry sump, no oil pan.
Still looking for an answer if the oil tank needs draining also , i have sighted the 3 sump type plugs that need to come out but is there one on the oil tank somewhere ?
The larger plug in the middle of the bottom of the engine is the drain for the oil in the tank.
Yeah, you are right about the truck oil. What do you think of the Rotella brand of synthetic Diesel oil?
No auto or truck oil should be used in wet clutch apps unless it has the jaso rating for wet clutches
Many people here in Finland use truck or some might say diesel engine oils in their motorcycle engines. A friend of mine uses this (OpenGraphTitle) with his Yamaha R1 with quite high power engine and no problems what so ever and I use the same for my Suzuki DR 650. Don´t know about the friends Yamaha but my Suzuki has a wet clutch. Works like a charm.

I was about to put the mighty Delvac in my Rocket too but was able to buy cheap fully synthetic motorcycle oil from some sale so I postponed that for now. Some say it works great in Rocket engine too.

Regular car (auto) oil is not suitable for motorcycle engines with wet clutch.
Changing it at the END of season before layup is a far better plan. The idea is to get the used oil, laden with combustion byproducts (moisture, acid) out and store with clean oil. This is SOP with all seasonal engines.
If its not broken - don't fix it. Additives only if a mechanic who really knows his **** says my bike needs it. Regular oil changes will keep that machine running fine...
Hello there meu amigo.
I own a 2020 R3GT and need some inputs before buying oil and filter.
Can you tell me what are the three plugs you got to drain?
Also, what type of oil do you use for the SHAFT? and how about the transmission oil? do I need to change it again after 3K miles run?

muito obrigado
If you want to write in Portuguese please do.