rocket 3 down ouch - that hurt!!!!

Really sorry to hear of your misfortune. If I had ANY of those parts you would get them free. I sincerely hope that you get all you need to ride very soon. Heal up.

I also had a bit of a mishap with mine and only broke my right side mirror.
No other damage at all due to the excellent engine and crash guards.
If anyone has a right side mirror sitting around and are willing to part with it.
Let me know and how much you want for it.
R3guy do you still have yours?
Did you have the factory engine guards when you had your mishap? How did they fair? Did they prevent any damage?
Yes I did have the triumph front engine guards installed at the time of the incident. As far as the amount of damage they prevented? I believe it was significant and I would not ride without them, ok ok ok I would ride without them but only to go immediately and get them. Both were bent straight back against the the engine and peg brackets. The bike damage savings was great but the greatest benefit was they allowed me that split second to get my bottom leg from under the bike and then butt surf 'til impact with the ditch.
yea yea glad your ok also...cripes.

you know I did not have a forum to give me solace when I made a little mistake with my "brand new"1976 Suzuki.

Life is short. You never know when your number is up. Thank your god that this was not the time.

brand me as a insensitive A hole. I'm not.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but I think right and left mirrors are interchangable.

I remember a cross country trip in 2007 where two separate incidents took out the left mirrors of two different bikes.

One owner purchased a new set (ovals) and gave the other stock round from the right side and gave it to the other owner for his left side.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but I think right and left mirrors are interchangable.

I remember a cross country trip in 2007 where two separate incidents took out the left mirrors of two different bikes.

One owner purchased a new set (ovals) and gave the other stock round from the right side and gave it to the other owner for his left side.
correct they are interchangeable - at least on the 05 standard