Robot riding a bike

I saw this video yesterday and I think we are getting to a very weird point in human history. The obsession of the "artificial element" is truly something out of a SciFi novel or movie. Flash forward 30 years from now, imagine the Isle of Man TT or MotoGP races with just robots on bikes. To me, it takes away what makes the race so enjoyable. The danger, the skill, the practice, the HUMAN element. This takes it all away and replaces it with hunks of metal run by computer algorithms with no real stake in the game. I understand times change and the "future is now," but there is something about this that doesn't sit right with me for some odd reason.
My (and my wife's) question, is why? Seems cool at first look and there must be some serious physics computing going into this, thinking about the small changes a human constantly makes on a bike. But thinking about it whats it going to do? motorcycle courier? they have drones for that already A car/truck I get as delivery systems could be automated. This seems a cool hobby but ultimately pointless.
I guess now we needn't risk ourselves making all those GoPro vids to watch on our flat-screens. We'll simply send out a 'Bot' on our bike while we sit home with a drink in hand watching a live feed. :rolleyes:
I think there's value in it. How much time could be saved by having the bot run a new bike through an endurance test. Only have to stop for recharge fuel and oil. No more having to take breaks for rider fatigue and normal human maintenance. Also a lot more detail about how to reproduce a process that led to a system failure rather than relying on human memory.

There's a lot of applications beyond testing. Flying drones are great until the sky gets super crowded. Once you get hundreds of them up there, there's bound to be some sort of system failure and a couple pounds falling two hundred feet is going to kill someone. Ground transport is still the safest way to go.

Also in terms of thinking as a tech geek, who knows what could be learned just because some decided it would be cool and got someone to fund them.