I (well, my dealer) did the first oil change at about 600 miles (1,000 kilometers) and I have done every one since. I used the Mobil that Triumph initially recommended, then switched to Castrol when they changed their minds. I changed the oil every 10,000 miles (16,000 k's) as per the manual, and with 108,000 miles on it now it runs as good as ever and I never have to top up between changes. I figure that Triumph posted that information in the hand book and the manual for a reason. Those with high performance changes such as from Lush or Carpenter may need to use different oil because they now have different requirements.
I was told that I could do 16,000km on an oil change and I have only once done so but monitored it and found that at 14,000km it was getting a bit grubby in colour and could feel a slight detrition compared to the the oil when new (had some fresh stuff in container I was checking against)that was with the full syn Castrol, as I cant get Motul locally I have been using the Castrol but don't feel it is the best out there, next change will be to a different oil produced here in Harden NSW but sold local and the PetroChemical Chemist/Owner that formulates it, assures me I will notice the difference.
I could go into the details but it would be long winded but he worked for one of the big oil companies and got sick of their cost cutting measures so decided to start his own company and now supplies some of the bigger trucking companys with their oils, the evidence he showed myself and the 20 others that were there was mind blowing.
I will be monitoring it and when I have tried it out will post my findings, I am a fussy bugger and only want the best.
Motul is in My Opinion the best out there in the market but overpriced and a pain to source for me
here is a link to the oil company's website http://www.hocl-oils.com.au/aboutho-cl.html this is the oil I plan to use http://www.hocl-oils.com.au/product.html?categoryid=128&dboid=125
I was reading my post and Just to clarify one point, I do get along great with my dealer and they always look after me with pricing on parts or the bikes that I buy from them and the mechanic is a guy and knows his triumphs, maybe on my brothers bike they didn't check the oil after filling who knows what happened there but its always good to check these things anyway, they tuned his carbies and Synchronize them with the service and its never run better. With my bike who knows maybe it has used a bit of oil during the run in period or maybe it was not filled right up I will never know, I will just keep an eye on it and see how it goes, I am sure it will be alright.
I will do the 5,000 klms service as its only my thoughts on how often the oils should be changed and its old habit of mine, however I will get my dealer to do all the 10k servicing and take my own oil in for them to use as they don't mind and they stand by there work and product, I know they have gone to bat for other rocket owners when things have gone wrong even long after warranty is up and they have always come through, so there are some good reasons to let the dealer do my servicing and I know they will look after me when I buy my next new bikes in the future.
Cheers Pete
Thanks for all your help guys, yes I did start it up for a while then let it sit for 10 minutes and hold her up to check and it was at the bottom of the add mark, I bet they didn't fill it right either as it has just happened to my brother this week from the same dealer.
I will drop the oil and change the filter tomorrow and use a semi synthetic motul for another 5,000 klms then at 10k change over to a full synthetic.
Once again thanks for every ones help and input.
Regards Pete
Triumh runs 500 mile break in and then full synthetic throw 4 quarts in it put the oil cap on and start her up for about 30 seconds then shut her down and add the other two quarts and the tank will except it without burping on you. Don't ask how I know :)

Mobile is good oil but I cannot stress how much I would listen to Nev a master at building Rocket engines and if he says Motul 300 V then I would buy it in 15W50 sure you could get away with 40 weight but if its hotter down under why not go with the recommended weight. and the 15W is for winter anyway so it will not matter the 50 weight for your summer heat is whats important. Most of the triumph bearings clearances are on the looser side anyway. I don't use Motul but if it was readly aviaalbe I would use it. So Anyway I use Joe Gibbs Racing oil which is very comparable to the motul.

As Nev would say good oil is cheaper then good engine parts.
Triumh runs 500 mile break in and then full synthetic throw 4 quarts in it put the oil cap on and start her up for about 30 seconds then shut her down and add the other two quarts and the tank will except it without burping on you. Don't ask how I know :)

Mobile is good oil but I cannot stress how much I would listen to Nev a master at building Rocket engines and if he says Motul 300 V then I would buy it in 15W50 sure you could get away with 40 weight but if its hotter down under why not go with the recommended weight. and the 15W is for winter anyway so it will not matter the 50 weight for your summer heat is whats important. Most of the triumph bearings clearances are on the looser side anyway. I don't use Motul but if it was readly aviaalbe I would use it. So Anyway I use Joe Gibbs Racing oil which is very comparable to the motul.

As Nev would say good oil is cheaper then good engine parts.

Hi I will take your advice and go with the Motul 300 V then, about weight I live in Tassie which is a lot cooler than the mainland of Australia our winter nights get down to about -2 degrees Celsius and a max of about 8 c max 28f to 46f but my bike is always in the shed she even get carpet on the floor :D in summer the temps here are about 20c to 25c or 68f to 77 f your the US and the odd days around 86f to 95f but I don't usually ride when its that hot as my health is not that great and with the meds I am on I feel the heat so I am inside with the AC on :) so do you recommend I still use the 15w50?
Regards Pete
Yes I would stil
Hi I will take your advice and go with the Motul 300 V then, about weight I live in Tassie which is a lot cooler than the mainland of Australia our winter nights get down to about -2 degrees Celsius and a max of about 8 c max 28f to 46f but my bike is always in the shed she even get carpet on the floor :D in summer the temps here are about 20c to 25c or 68f to 77 f your the US and the odd days around 86f to 95f but I don't usually ride when its that hot as my health is not that great and with the meds I am on I feel the heat so I am inside with the AC on :) so do you recommend I still use the 15w50?
Regards Pete
l run the 15W 50 myself and I do even with the extra motor work/go fast bits I have in mine.Think 15W viscosity is the thinnest they want in cold weather. and when she is warm they still want 50 wieght viscosity. So as long as your fan is on cooling they believe thats how thick the oil should be so why second guess them. Mine is kind of like yours she spends the summers in her own tiled trailer and in the winter spends the time in my heated basement getting some modifications. SOme people hibernate I turn wrenches in the winter.
Yes I would stil

l run the 15W 50 myself and I do even with the extra motor work/go fast bits I have in mine.Think 15W viscosity is the thinnest they want in cold weather. and when she is warm they still want 50 wieght viscosity. So as long as your fan is on cooling they believe thats how thick the oil should be so why second guess them. Mine is kind of like yours she spends the summers in her own tiled trailer and in the winter spends the time in my heated basement getting some modifications. SOme people hibernate I turn wrenches in the winter.
Thanks for all your advice the reason I asked about the weight is my dealer said to run only 10w40 as that's the manual says, but I read the manual and it does say you can use the 15w50 in there as well though so that what I will do.
Regards Pete
Yes I would stil

l run the 15W 50 myself and I do even with the extra motor work/go fast bits I have in mine.Think 15W viscosity is the thinnest they want in cold weather. and when she is warm they still want 50 wieght viscosity. So as long as your fan is on cooling they believe thats how thick the oil should be so why second guess them. Mine is kind of like yours she spends the summers in her own tiled trailer and in the winter spends the time in my heated basement getting some modifications. SOme people hibernate I turn wrenches in the winter.
In Queensland we ride our motorcycles in the winter.:):):)
Thanks for all your advice the reason I asked about the weight is my dealer said to run only 10w40 as that's the manual says, but I read the manual and it does say you can use the 15w50 in there as well though so that what I will do.
Regards Pete
It must be a change on the Roadster could be the bearing clearances have been reduced. I would run the weight the manual states. In fact the older mauals state 10w40 or 15w50 so you should be safe with 10w40 weight.
I change at about 4000 miles. I've never once seen the level on the dipstick move one iota...never used a drop! Same is true since my Carpenter upgrade...not a drop of usage.