Seriously that sucks, My '05 blew the cam gear and when it went, it sounded like a bag of hammers.
But the Roadster has all of the fixes from the previous issues on the older R3's.
My '11 Roadster just ticked over 30K miles and she runs stronger now than when it was new. Please keep us informed, I'm very curious as to what it can be.
Well it took two weeks for the dealer to look at my Roadster. They put a camera down the cylinders and number 3 has scoring. I think this is just the beginning, they are getting with Triumph for further teardown authorization. Has anyone had a motor go this early?
My 2013 r3t is in the shop right now and they are pretty sure it is a wrist pin. It has 14600 miles on it and I took it in for the paint can rattle. Noise is coming from the right side, as you sit on it, and in the middle of the engine in line with the middle cylinder.
For some reason reason the site isn't showing me any posting dates or times so I didn't know if it was old or recent. Just wondering how Triumph handled it.
I'm no techy on these bikes yet. Tho this past winter I went out to my car after work and started it up and it sounded as tho my bearings were bad. I figured hey if my bearings are shot, the damage is done. HAMMER DOWN!!!.. I drove the thing home and got it to stop... I looked online before departing from work and read of the cam angle sensor sometimes sticking in the e60s. I'm going to guess mine was so cold it stuck and was making a rapping noise because I haven't had it happen since.. Don't lose hope! Maybe it's something silly like my situation!