Roadster Engine Noise


.020 Over
Mar 10, 2012
Went to start my 2012 Roadster with 4500 miles and no mods this morning and it sounded like someone was hitting the side of the engine with a hammer. They just trucked it away to the dealer.
Thanks, I never had this dealer work on anything so I hope it works out.
Sounds expensive, although hopefully not with those miles on it. Be interested hearing what it is and how you go.
That's getting about where my 2012 R3R is on miles. Hope it goes well for you and please let us know what they find.
My 2010 Roadster is over 12K and no issues. Just tires, oil, and all the mods I can afford.
man that sucks sweaty donkey balls. at least if it was a few years old it might be something but not a new bike
was it running perfectly all along, no noises, vibrations, nothing?
im very interested in finding out what happened.
knock at cold temp

My Touring knocks too when cold, noise goes away as it warms up, 27000 miles - wrist pin issue perhaps?
The dealer will look at it tomorrow. When I it started it sound like it was coming apart, this was no little knock. I had just rode it the day before without any problems. It is a mystery. I will keep you all posted.