Old man on a bike
Is it better to be lucky than good ? If you were on Normandy Beach, 6 June 1944, it sure was.
I read the instructions, and they talked about disconnecting the clutch cable and pulling it out of the cable retainer on the forks.
I read posts on here where it was said a 1½" longer cable would take care of that, so I proactively ordered that from Barnett.
And I hoped for the best with the rest.
In my case, I have a number of items I've added, such as the Koso tachometer, and the GI Pro gear indicator, and powered mount for my navigator, and control for my heated grips, and the powered Rivco mirrors, and HEL brake lines.
In general, when I install things, particularly around the handlebars, I leave extra wire.
So in short, after adding the longer clutch cable, nothing had to be rerouted.
I rest the outer top edge of my winddeflectors on my mirror posts. I actually had to move the posts more forward to do that. Bringing the bars back I would imagine I could bring them back where they were originally. I don't know if you did that as well like I suggested, but how did the risers affect that?