riser bolt stuck in riser!


Sep 13, 2005
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
2005 Rocket 3, 2010 R3R
Whilst removing handle bars to replace them with Valkyrie bars , i discovered one of my four handlebar clamp bolts wont come out.I sprayed Inox (like CRC) into the thread, swung on the Unbrako ball joint Allen key whilst tapping with a brick hammer only to get a few revolutions where upon it bloody stopped! :shock: So , next i drilled the socket cap and twisted the the head off deliberately so i could get the bars off.I now have a 25mm /1" stud sticking proud of the riser.I plan on trying some big Stillsons on the bugger next and maybe removing the riser and applying some heat to the bolt.Any other suggestions fellas? :?
Good idea watch the heat you don't want the bolt to expand!!!
It might be cross threaded if you have know luck and have to take it to a machinist leave a little part of the bolt close to the riser undamaged it will be easier for the machinist to dial indicate the bolts center up. If you try a easy out and break it off in the bolt it will be much harder to drill out as a carbide tap drill will be required. If the machinist is charging you it will be cheaper if he has a easy time locating the bolts center line without any more damage then necessary.
Good luck!!!!
Hindsight is great, but if the bolt was moving, you should have maybe worked it up and down a bit with plenty of anti-seize lubricant.

Your phrase "i drilled the socket cap and twisted the the head off deliberately so i could get the bars off." is so reminiscent of the classic biker's crash scenario "I laid the bike down to limit the damage"

Engineering short-cuts usually end up with you being lost somewhere you don't know.

OK, so now you're in new territory with a seized bolt. Don't forget to price a new triple-tree head. It might be cheaper than the bolt extraction. Well, the Triumph one won't but maybe you want a solid billet CNC head, or a chromed head that won't scratch from the **** key fob...?
I've not tried this myself but........try heating it up and then melting a candle against the bolt. The wax is supposed to run down the thread by capillary attraction and allows you to remove the bolt. Is the bolt stainles steel? They are a bugger for seizing.
Yes , in retrospect, i may have rushed in listening to the advice of a friend considerably senior in age and experience to me , but , hey , the bars are off at least!
Its the bolt in the riser not the two bolts that hold the risers to the triple tree clamp.So the worst that can happen is that i have to buy a new riser in which case i might entertain the idea of Rivco risers ,though from what i hear they can make it difficult to lift the tank.
the idea of heating the bolt is not to move it when its hot but rather wait till it cools , so the two metals contract away from each other , I am told.
Got it out with some big Stillsons! Lost a few threads inside but after cleaning them out with a tap , it is still OK.Fitted the Valkyrie bars and WOW! much more comfort! I highly recommend changing to these bars from the stockers .Didn't have to extend any cables or wires, just re route the brake line out of the retaining clip at the top of the t/clamp.Still might entertain risers though in the future.