Ripped Off? Blown Engine?

Yeah, I'd agree with that.
Take it to someone who knows about Rockets and get their opinion (in writing) and then go back and front the other shop about it.

Only thing I can think of it that they have somehow over reved it on the Dyno and busted a ring.

A compression test would be a quick and easy way to see if that's happened or not.
Did you get the dyno sheet? That may tell you a lot. Must say I was wondering if they'd overdone on the dyno.
Ripped off blown engine

HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL! . crapola day for me.Before M.S. kicked my but I used to have my own repair shop, and was a ASE certified master auto I know what blown out v/c gsk.-smoke/blow-bye from crank = Yes I think it was over reved .Hp went from 151-157trq to143-151trq,this sucks stress is not good for MS. No way can I trust this guy to fix,esp since he wont admit fault .Gonna need good lawyer and $ got lots of parts to sell , fenders seat,sissybarw/pad exh.sys Carbon fiber gas tank cove,fly screen,& more Ifanyone is interested PM me
Shoot.. I think you were brave. I wouldn't trust either of my dealers to install anything aftermarket. The tech at the Austin dealer, who did a wonderful job getting my bike going, was afraid of working on my bike at first because of the Jardine exhaust and PC-III. My local SA deaker can't even troubleshoot a stock bike if the code doesn't tell them what's wrong. Also the Power Commander and ATRE are super easy to install.
Did you get the dyno sheet? That may tell you a lot. Must say I was wondering if they'd overdone on the dyno.

I definitely agree Richard, but knowing the way I am, if it was my bike, world war 3 would be walking through their door, & I think I would be in trouble yet once again.
gee i sure hope they sort it out for u
I dont know how it works over there but here when mine was dynoed i had to read a sign before my bike went on the dyno Warning of the risks of financial loss.
The guy said they had never blown one up yet but if they did they wher not liable
Another reason why I'm content with the Dobec - no Dyno needed. I'm sure I could wring a bit more out of it but I can't really see the point. It runs perfect and it's hard enough to use all the power now, even on a dry, straight stretch. For the sake of (maybe) a couple of hp, I can use the money on other things.
I know mate. I know. And I'll be doing more to mine eventually too.
Lot of people ask me why I need such a big bike.....

Couldn't agree more Mate