Ring Shirt

mailing check today! an idea for the next shirt! something similar to what Fred has! but have it on the front! on the back have in bold slanted fast lettering:
Hi guys. I have never joined in with all this banter between rocketeers but always enjoy reading the comments to and fro. Thanks for the entertainment.
My reason for jumping in now is to ask where you guys find these cool shirts.
I'm a XXXL (just under the FB size) and cannot find Triumph stuff to fit.
Any links would be appreciated. Especially like to Harley reference. My last bike was a new '07 Screamin' Eagle Ultra Classic which I now think of as more of a fartin' duck now that I've converted to rocket power. Thanks to you Fred, at least I have one cool shirt design. I bought two but I keep one for Sundays.

Hi Paul. I got my "hang on" shirt off the net. Just type something like "Triumph Rocket three tee shirt" into your browser. I know have the "Ring Shirt" for sale. See accessories "Ring Shirt". It was designed by Hanso. I think it is the coolest one we have made yet. And it's available in XXXL ($18.00 + $5.50 shipping). Not intended to be a sales pitch, just trying to help a brother look stylish !
Fred, I will be ordering 2 shirts and will be paying per Paypal. Can we send the money now or wait? Tell me and consider it done. By the way the shirt looks really awesome. Sorry that I got to this so late but I don't visit this site as often as the other site. Thanks

You may order right this second ! The sooner everybody orders, the sooner I can get them printed, and the sooner I can have one in my grubby mitts ! I have 18 confirmed orders. I based pricing on the sale of 50, so I still have a ways to go. Anyone who is on the fence, now is the time to make your move ! Aww ****, now I'm even starting to sound like a tee shirt salesman