RidinSunshine's Rocket III at a dealer

The Stallions are some impressive pieces of engineering, i have seen a few in person and they look like nothing else out there

Very true! I always enjoyed the attention I got as a gal on the Rocket III. I think I will still be getting lots of attention on the Stallion! They are only making 150 of them this round. Ten a month starting this last October. I hoping it is something I can ride everywhere until I die of a ripe old age. lol

If u ride thru the states and come our way u have a place to lay ur head down u will be more than welcome in case u haven't heard me and Wendy traded our rockets for victory
Thank you Rainman! I will take you up on your offer if I find myself in your neck of the woods!

Will post pics of trike after I pick it up.

Well Hello Jamie! How the heck have you been? Long time no attention!
I finally picked up my new toy! Rode it from Austin Tuesday and then took off work yesterday afternoon and rode some more.

lets see if I remember how to add a picture here. lol


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Very nice sunshine you gonna let bear stay up with you now and not leave him in the dust like u did on the skyway
Tell bear me stb says hi