RidinSunshine's Rocket III at a dealer

Miss Sunshine..

I sure hope you like a trike...

I am getting up in age and my legs are going bad on me..I had always said I would like to get a trike...that way I would not stop riding...
Jan. this year I bought a K1200 LT BMW Hannigan Trike...Black just like the K1200 LT I have now, along with my Rocket.

I rented a car and drove down so I could ride it home...859 miles back to home...The interstate ride was awesome. But the secondary roads was so bad...I feel the need to lean...I hated that thing and wish I had never bought it.

I sold it at the end of March....lost 2K in the deal so lesson learned

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Thank you Joey. I hope I like it too! I ordered it without a test ride. My old man has had multiple back surgeries with metal added to his back twice. Unfortunately, it causes something to swell and he loses his leg sometimes. So not always sure if his leg will hold him and a bike up. Then a few months after the Maggie Valley Run we made he admitted that the whole trip he had no feeling in his fingers. Never knew how much he gripped his brake and with all the rain we went through that was a major hazard! Then last spring he had metal put in one of his wrists. Well that ain't going so well either. Limits him so much. He was always my back up with his 6" 3" and long legs I always counted on him getting my bike out of bad parking areas if I had to park in one. He had already had Motortrike transform his Rocket III to a trike and was not happy with it. So he traded it for a Cheetah Trike. Anyway, had talk with me and said he was so afraid of dropping my Beauty if he had to move it around. He knew how much the bike meant to me and said it would kill him if he dropped it and caused any damage to it and couldn't I please go to a trike too? I test rode a spyder and wasn't happy with the lack of power after riding my Rocket. I would really have liked a Boss Hoss trike but in this economy and my small town wages I just can't afford one or the fuel it takes to run it. I have always like convertible sports cars and the Stallion reminds me of a three wheeled convertible sports car and it is supposed to have as much power as the Rocket so I jumped in with both feet and ordered one. I think since it sits low to the ground I think it will be great on twisties. And it has a reverse! My short legs will appreciate that! lol
And I hate riding in the cold and it has a heater! So I figure it will give me the best of all worlds. I am crossing my fingers....

I haven't seen a BMW turned into a trike before. Yours looked nice! I know what you mean about losing money in the end. My Honey Bear lost money on his Rocket conversion also.
The bike has been off of the Austin site for a few weeks. Anyone know who bought it? I am hoping that they don't live to close to me. I will probably cry if I see her. I miss her terribly!

That's another reason why I could never sell mine.
Good luck with the trike, Sunshine. I always liked your forum name - was good to see it pop up again.
Hello sunshine glad to see u here again say hi to bear for me
When u get ur trike post some pix of it so we can see it and hope u enjoy it as much as u did the rocket
The Stallions are some impressive pieces of engineering, i have seen a few in person and they look like nothing else out there:)
That's another reason why I could never sell mine.
Good luck with the trike, Sunshine. I always liked your forum name - was good to see it pop up again.

Thank you :)

My BearMan had been trying to talk me into letting it go for a year. So I dragged my feet for long time. :) He kept telling me that with no more riding experience that I had, I rode better than most any guy he had ridden with and that I rode that Beast great and it was bigger and faster than most every other bike out there so I had nothing to prove to anyone. He knew my ego was holding on to it too, I guess.
Hello sunshine glad to see u here again say hi to bear for me
When u get ur trike post some pix of it so we can see it and hope u enjoy it as much as u did the rocket

Ok Will do! I am trying to figure out a birthday trip in June. There is Hawaii and then there is the idea of riding through different states on the Stallion since it gets such great mpg. If I go that route and go through your neck of the woods I give you and Wendy a shout. I will be solo. Bear is still taking care of his dad and all of his critters so he can't be gone more than an overnight trip. A lot the decision will be if I can find a great deal for Hawaii and how my money is doing. The note on the trike is not going to be pleasant. But at least it will make up for it in mpg. :D