RidinSunshine's Rocket III at a dealer


Living Legend
Mar 8, 2006
La Vernia, TX
If anyone is interested, I just found RidinSunshine's Rocket III for sale at a dealer. I didn't know she had got rid of it, but this is definitely it. I have met her and her husband several times, in fact, the Corbin bags were mine that I traded her and she had repainted. This bike has been meticulously taken care of. The flames on this bike don't show well in the pics, but they are awesome in person.. especially when the sun hits them. I know nothing about this dealer, I just know the bike pretty well.
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It's a really nice flame job from Triumph on the tank and the Corbin bags were painted to match, with matching flames.. I don't know what shipping would be though!.. :eek:

Too much I think..
Shipping Cost + Import Duty at Oz Market Value + Ownership Stamp Duty (Tax) + DOT Pits Inspection Fee + Vehicle New Registration Fee + Julias Carbon Tax + Did I forget anything Tax...:(

Enough to make you want to turn around and Bite Ya own Ass :mad:

So I'll Dream On :)
Dennis, you'd be much better off just buying one with a black motor and getting it resprayed. Trade yours in maybe. Wouldn't cost all that much.
nice. did she have custom pullback bars installed on that bike? guess you'd have to do some rewiring for that...
I put harley roadking bars on mine with 5" risers,
the only thing I had to buy was a new brake line
from the banjo bolt up to the handlebars,
everything else just got rerouted.
longer would be better, that way I could run them internally,
but they're functional the way they are.
Yep! That Was My Bike!

Thanks for the good word on my bike, Dave! I really hated to let her go, but my old man was pushing for me to go to trike like he did. So I have been without a bike for way too long! I used her for trade in on a Stallion. Canary Yellow of course! I have been waiting since first part of July for it. I finally got a delivery date on it. I pick it up in Austin on January 22.

Yes, I had the original Triumph dealer install the pull back handle bars. They had also installed progressive shocks to lower it for my short legs.

The bike has been off of the Austin site for a few weeks. Anyone know who bought it? I am hoping that they don't live to close to me. I will probably cry if I see her. I miss her terribly!