Riding Without Windshield

I've been told once you put a windshield on you'll never take it off therefore I never put one on.
When it was necessary to talk to me about life girls and sex my dad said never do it because you’ll end up living a life of misery and orders. Like where’ve you been, take your shoes off when you come inside, don’t do this don’t do that!
Like normal, I never listened. I wish life was as simple as the choice to fit a windscreen or not.
At least with a windscreen it only takes four screws to remove it!
Tried the smallest Powerbronze windshield but it was a no-go for me. It took away the wind from chest, but created intense draft around lower neck area and increased wind noise in helmet. took it off again and drove 160 km's yesterday with no pain in neck and shoulders today.
Any fairing/windshield larger than the OEM or Powerbronze one ruins the looks of the R3R IMO and since i don't have a problem without one i guess i will carry on driving it as it came out of the box. Maybe if Memphis shades produce the Bullet, Gauntlet or Café fairings for the R3 i'll try one of those.
I have the small GT screen fitted to my “R” and IMO doesn’t detract from the (bare bones) look but to me, it looks the goods and makes the bike look complete especially with the GT passenger backrest fitted as well. The tall Powerbronze screen (ordered) will only be used for the occasional long ride. I’ll post something about it’s effectiveness when it lands.
Well I have a tall screen on the 06 classic I got off @Ishrub a while ago as well as the fly screen.

I couldn't understand why some folk get sore after a days ride that was until I decided to remove the screen one time and at 75 mph I could understand why.

I can ride all day with either screen and not get sore or feel like I'm going to get pushed off the bike backwards.

But the wind noise from the fly screen is horrendous and not enjoyable so have the tall screen on all the time.
I always liked the painted "fly screen" but disliked hiding the chromed instrument housing, yeah I know - pathetic!
Answer.....the Sports Screen.
Exactly the same as the fly screen but clear...……..does it work - who knows! but it is easier to clean the bugs off!
Bfore i got my R3T i always rode bikes without windshields. Downside is that i got sinus infections on a regular basis, particularly after riding in colder weather.
I never take of my windshield and haven't had sinus infections since. The OEM windshield takes the wind away from the upper body and is just high enough to redirect most of the wind over the helmet. Even with my height of 6ft6.
Well I have a tall screen on the 06 classic I got off @Ishrub a while ago as well as the fly screen.

I couldn't understand why some folk get sore after a days ride that was until I decided to remove the screen one time and at 75 mph I could understand why.

I can ride all day with either screen and not get sore or feel like I'm going to get pushed off the bike backwards.

But the wind noise from the fly screen is horrendous and not enjoyable so have the tall screen on all the time.
The wired ear buds I posted would have solved that wind noise as well.
Wired ear buds Larry. If strong wind on upper body doesn't bother you.
Well, that was deal breaker #2, the typhoon strenght blast aimed straigh at my lower neck/shoulder area.. :oops:
As much as I like the clean look of a bike my Valk will rip your helmet off at interstate speeds. I broke down and put a low profile shield on her.


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