No roos here either, but in spring and summer the gators like to get on the road at night to warm up. A little harder to spot than a deer because they are so low to the ground, but it's like hitting a log.
Ever had a roo hop down the road in front of you? Every time it goes off to the side and you try to slip past the stupid thing will jump back into the headlights - and bound down the road in front of you. Only way to shake one is to switch your lights off and sound the horn. That's a major drawback with hard wired lights on a bike; you pretty much have to stop. If you have loud pipes and can switch your lights off I reckon you would actually be less likely to hit a roo riding by moonlight that with your lights on. Fact remains though, they will jump in front of anything moving, day or night, and you sure don't want to hit one. Or a wombat for that matter.
I love to ride, long distance, poker runs, toy runs or what ever you have.... Love to ride at night down town in the bright lights. But when there is a full moon I love the highway runs to unusual places. Started out with 3 of us now 20 or more show up. no toys, no moneys needed, no planning just pick a front man and a destination.
Fellow Vancouver Island Captains (and others) can meet us Country club Dairy Queen Nanaimo. 9 pm every Full moon
That's right near my neck of the woods! Google maps seems to point me to "Marlin Travel" when I look for "Country club dairy queen Nanaimo". Can you provide a street address or nearby business? Love to catch this some full moon.