Yeah, you were probably paying for someone elses douchebaggery.
I think the same thing happens to us motorized 2-wheelers too. I get a lot more rude cage drivers when I'm on my bright red FJR1300. People see it and think it looks like a hooligan bike when it's really just as much of a geezer bike at a streetglide.
"Share the road" seems to mean "get out of my way" to some people whether it's a Huffy or GSXR.
I was riding down a back road with a 40mph limit on a long straight section. A group of 15-20 cyclists were coming toward me and several of them were over the yellow line in my lane. I rode/stayed in the left 3rd of the lane and at first didn't think anything of it.
As we came closer & closer, I could see these asshats thought it was
my responsibility to move to the far side of my lane, for what purpose I still can't fathom.
It would have been easy to give them the room; but my inner jerk got the best of me and I decided to test their resolve.
I wouldn't want to estimate the distance; but within five or six seconds to impact the stray "doggies" pushed their way back into the herd and out of my lane. Shooting the middle finger at me as I passed.
I can only imagine what
respect someone driving behind them would have gotten.
Of course; I wouldn't have hit the clowns, but d*mn! Sometimes you just want to let people with such little sense of self preservation get what's coming to them.